ViTrox believes that maintaining a good degree of communication and understanding with all the internal and external stakeholders involved is highly essential in our journey to be good corporate governance and a reputable sustainable business entity.

In July 2021, ViTrox’s Board of Directors (“Board”) established the ESG Steering Committee (“ESC“ or “Committee“) to serve as the highest level of authority in the planning and supervision of sustainability-related strategies, priorities and targets and facilitate the accomplishment of sustainability management policies and goals.

The ESC formation aims to create a seamless collaboration among our people to adapt our ESG strategies to each asset class while driving ownership and accountability across the Group.

A snapshot of ViTrox’s sustainability governance and their respective duties are presented below:-

Governance Structure Duties and Responsibilities
Board of Directors
  • Oversee the overall responsibility of ViTrox’s ESG strategies
  • Review the terms of reference, policies and procedures relevant to ViTrox’s sustainability agenda
  • Expand adequate resources to ESC to perform its duties and provide professional consultancy services for them
Environmental, Social and Governance Steering Committee
Chairman : Chu Jenn Weng
Member : Siaw Kok Tong
Yeoh Shih Hoong
Lim Kim Seng
Wee Kah Khim
  • Advocate sustainability strategies, policies and goals to the Board, in consultation with the management
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the sustainability strategies, policies and goals
  • Provide oversight and input on the Group’s sustainability agenda to align with the Group’s values and commitment
  • Review the Report and other issues arising from independent auditors, regulators or consultants
  • Advise and recommend strategic positioning to the Board on emerging sustainability risks and opportunities
Environmental, Social and Governance Working Group
  • Assist ESC in integrating the Group’s sustainability strategies into business operations and implementing initiatives towards achieving the Group’s sustainability ambition
  • Identify sustainability matters and formulate action plans
  • Supervise interdepartmental communication and coordinate resource integration

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