ViTrox Paves the Way for Human Rights Awareness

In pursuit of our purpose, ViTrox strives to achieve sustainability by upholding human rights principles. ViTrox incorporates human rights considerations in all aspects of operations, including employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and the social environment where ViTrox’s operating bases are located.

In 2023, ViTrox launched an e-learning training course in hopes of raising awareness of the Company’s Human Rights Policy and building a consensus among all employees. The training includes the fundamentals of human rights, an introduction to ViTrox’s Human Rights Policy, case studies of human rights at the workplace and the responsibilities of employees to uphold human rights principles. All employees will be trained on the understanding of Human Rights Policy, and the target of the training completion rate in 2023 is over 80%.

To further enhance their understanding of the topic, participants have to take a post-training quiz assessment, which serves to reinforce their understanding of ViTrox's Human Rights Policy and the expected conduct of ViTroxians, with a passing rate set at 80%. As part of our long-term commitment, by 2030, we aspire to achieve a 100% completion rate for this training.


ViTroxians have the responsibility to maintain and ensure that their working environment is free from unlawful workplace harassment. To develop awareness of human rights issues, ViTrox has provided clear and practical guidance and training for all People Managers on handling misconduct, including bullying and/or harassment.

To ensure respect for human rights in all aspects of our operations, the People Management department, led by ESG Working Group member Yeoh Siew Eng, is tasked with the responsibility of overseeing all issues regarding human rights, forced labour and child labour. The Department reports all human rights issues to the Group CEO, who sits on the Board of Directors as an Executive Director.

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