ViTrox is Rated as Low Risk by Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating

As of 2023, ViTrox received an ESG Risk Rating of 14.3 from Morningstar Sustainalytics and was assessed to be at “Low” risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors.

“The recognition from Morningstar Sustainalytics is a powerful validation of our commitment to sustainability, which will drive us to enhance our efforts in creating net-positive impacts to the society and making the world a better place for all,” said President & Group CEO Chu Jenn Weng.


Morningstar Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings measure a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks. This multi-dimensional way of measuring ESG risk combines the concepts of management and exposure to arrive at an assessment of ESG risk, i.e. a total unmanaged ESG risk score or the ESG Risk Rating, that is comparable across all industries. Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings provide a quantitative measure of unmanaged ESG risk and distinguish between five levels of risk: negligible, low, medium, high and severe. Learn more about the ESG Risk Ratings here:

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