Breaking Barriers, Embracing Diversity: ViTrox's Journey Towards Inclusivity


As we reflect on the progress we have made at ViTrox, we firmly believe that embracing the unique qualities, talents and perspectives of our people fosters innovation and builds strong relationships. We treat all employees fairly and impartially, ensuring equal opportunities regardless of any physical and social identities.

In 2023, we welcomed a visually impaired employee as a lecturer for the National Dual Training System (“SLDN”) programme. “I felt very surprised and grateful for the job opportunity because it wasn’t easy throughout my entire job-searching journey,” said Chew Sui Teng.

Understanding the unique obstacles Chew faced in her daily commute, our People Management team registered her for the Company’s carpooling programme. Through this initiative, we were able to match her with caring and empathetic carpooling drivers. Chew shared her gratitude to the carpooling buddy who goes above and beyond to ensure her safety and comfort. “My carpooling driver is very caring; she would explain to me the surroundings as we pass by. Once, there was a hole in the middle of the road, and she brought me to feel it. This is more helpful than telling me to be cautious of a hole in front of me because I am not able to see it.”

Embracing our philosophy of supporting every employee's integration into the workplace, Chew was paired with a buddy who guided her in familiarising herself with her job assignments and the office environment. While Chew needs special assistance to go around the Campus, Chew’s buddy supported her in being independent within her capability, navigating the regular routes to her office, same-level washroom, classrooms, elevator and lobby.

Recognising the diverse needs of our workforce, we provide elevator access for employees carrying heavy loads, pregnant women and individuals with injuries or disabilities.

ViTrox’s cafeteria is designed as an open area without designated seating, ensuring that ViTroxians can find available seats freely after getting the dishes from V-Meal Serving volunteers in the food-serving line. To further facilitate Chew's convenience, the People Culture team specifically reserves two (2) seats close to the food-serving line for Chew and her navigation-assistance buddy, sparing them from manoeuvring through narrow spaces between rows of tables and chairs.

From the very beginning of Chew's onboarding process, we prioritised her accessibility and independence. The Management Information Security team set up her work laptop with default text-to-speech settings, empowering her to use the laptop independently from day one.

At ViTrox, we are dedicated to fostering an environment where every individual can thrive and contribute their unique talents. Chew's inclusion within our team not only showcases our commitment to equal opportunities but also serves as a reminder that by embracing diversity, we enrich our workplace and create a culture of compassion, support and growth for all.


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